Thursday, December 13, 2012

Retiring the Workout Diary...For Now

The End of an Era

I started the workout diary page as a way to hold myself accountable for my workouts and to see my progress over time, but I don't need it anymore! Working out is such a habit and part of my daily life that I rarely even think about it. I just do it as if it were brushing my teeth or checking my email. Being that I rarely think about working out, it has become nearly impossible to keep a workout diary so I'm unposting that page and rethinking how I'll motivate myself into and through the next chapter in my unfattening journey.

The Next Chapter

I've finished Jillian's 30 DS twice and Ripped in 30 once, ran 2 5Ks and lost 50 lbs. Wow! I still have about 20 more pounds that I'd like to lose to reach my goal weight and I'm ready for some new adventures, soooo....I've signed up for Crossfit AND for Half Marathon training through the Dallas Running Club! Ack! I'll start both at the turn of the new year. *Waves bye bye to body fat*

Honestly, I'm terrified of this super intense workout schedule I'm about to embark on, but I'm so excited to push myself and see what my body is capable of. I'll keep you posted as the adventure begins and I train my way to the Big D Half Marathon in April 2013!

1 comment:

  1. I spit out my afternoon coffee when I read Crossfit. OMG!!! You're a monstah(boston accent)
