Friday, August 31, 2012

On the road again...

After my 2 very long evenings of not working out (specifically running)...I hit the pavement today! It took a bit of negotiating to get 'er done as someone had to get the baby to bed and be available for him and my <3 wanted to mow the yard (which I never want to stand in the way of!) but there wasn't enough time for him to do the yard THEN for me to run so we compromised and he decided to only mow the front so that I could squeeze in my run before the sun went down. He totally freaks if I'm not in before the street lights come on (which is beyond sweet!). So anyways, I did in fact re-run the previous Run5K program that I totally fucked up last time, and I'm pleased to announce that even though I didn't run it perfectly...I ran it strong.

Here's a little Pinterest running wisdom to get me through my final week before the actual race!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Whole Night of Rest

My fellow band geeks out there are probably giggling at the pic! Clever eh? Anywho,  yeah I'm resting tonight. Washed my hair, washed the dishes, clipped my toenails and now I'm writing this here blog post just to prove that I, in fact, did not work out today no matter how bad I wanted to. The night has kind of flown by. Until next time...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Walk in the Park

Yup that's pretty much what my run was like today because I walked most of it which doesn't qualify it as a "run" at all now does it? For the first time since starting the program, I just couldn't run anymore. No matter how many positive affirmations I muttered I just couldn't keep running. I had a very normal first mile and took a different route which is always fun and is usually when I do my best work, but today my brain got the best of me. When the program informed me that I was at the "halfway" point I was like "are you fucking kidding me that's it? Only halfway? Ugh I'm tired and I'm going to stop running now" and that was it. I tried to shuffle along for a few more minutes after some majorly casual walking but that just felt ridiculous so I walked again.'s all good. I've worked out for several consecutive days and I'm tired. I need to rest and even though I'm soooo close to completing the program I can't rush it. I'm vowing to not work out for at least 1 day, maybe 2 depending on how I feel.

In other news...I finally shaved my legs. You're welcome.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Best Week Ever

I've had a great week! Hmmm where to begin...

Let's start with today's run. DEATH. Running uphill in humidity as thick as shaving gel is not my idea of a good time. But I have to admit I feel pretty kick ass for still finishing the first mile in under 13:26. Not a personal best, but it's right on target. Only 4 more runs left and I'm done with the Run5K program! Woo!

Ok now on to weight loss. I hit 191.6 today and being just 1.4lbs away from hitting my 30lb loss milestone AND the anticipation of dropping under 190 is a recipe for an excellent upcoming week! Definitely natural motivation.

A friend loaned me her copy of "Crazy, Sexy Diet" and even though I'm pretty familiar with the topics outlined in the first several chapters there's lots of good stuff in here. Like did you know that your gut has it's own nervous system?! Interesting right?! I'm kind of over the "yeah I'm so cool because I curse and I'm witty" tone of the book (very reminiscent of Skinny Bitch who actually wrote the forward in the book) but I won't let that get in the way of the info. I just might be considering the 21 day cleanse, but I'm not sure yet. We shall see!

And finally...I stumbled back into yoga. I LOVE yoga. I have stumbled in and out of it for 15 years and I've even found my teacher Ricky Tran (I just can't make it to any of his classes!). So this Friday I popped in my  Nicki Doane Primary Series and did a half hour of yoga. *BLISS* I have a feeling that yoga and meditation will play a pretty big role in my unfattening but I can't even begin to imagine what that role will be. All in all, I'm looking forward to rotating yoga into my workout routine and might even browse the yoga sutras for old times sake. Yay!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Lunch Trap

We had a new employee start today and took her out for the customary welcome lunch and my inner fat girl couldn't have been happier. I indulged on a couple of pieces of bread with butter and ordered a veggie burger with side salad. The lunch itself may not sound so bad but it was super greasy and didn't even begin to look healthy! I can still rest assured that it was probably way better than most of the salads on the menu. I only ate half of it, but it still basically gobbled up my calories for the day. Today is my rest day from working out so I'll just have a shake for dinner and call it a day. Not a bad day, not a great day...just..a day.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

UPDATE - Fried Chicken Danger

Ok so I scarfed down 6 delicious fried chicken wings BUT I didn't have a drop of alcohol (the emptiest calories of them all) or anything else to eat for that matter because even though I took a fruit tray I knew it was just a slippery slope to spoonfuls of guacamole and a margarita. I countered that greasy yummy fatness with 30DS (Level 2!) as promised and topped off the night with a protein shake. Not a bad day! Cheers!

Fried Chicken Danger

A friend of mine is moving to NY next week and is having a going away get together today. I'm taking fried chicken to the shindig. Fried chicken is one of my biggest weaknesses! Ah! I'm going to do 30DS tonight which will earn me back at least a couple hundred calories, but I'm not building in a huge cushion so I need to be careful. I need to be sure to plan ahead and take some healthy eats to munch on.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wasting My Time

I did not work out today. I planned it that way. So yeah at least that went great. But I did plan on relaxing, washing my hair, listening to an audiobook and washing the dishes. Only 1 of those things happened (and my hair smells great).

The reason I'm even bothering to write this post is that I think it's interesting how I have been able to make time to work out most days and still cook and kick my feet up for a few, but tonight I just couldn't get it together enough to actually relax. It's not like I was doing something else instead. Just sitting there, biting a nail, thinking about what I'd like to be doing or planned on doing tomorrow or forgot to do yesterday. All of that nothing being done without a single ounce of relief. I let this evening get away from me. What a waste. Maybe I should've worked out.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dear God, Make me a bird... that I can cover more than 2 miles in 30 minutes! Gah! Ok so the truth of the matter is that I did kick up my speed a bit and finished my 1st mile circa 30 seconds faster, but I must cover more ground. Only 3 more weeks until the 5K. Eeks!

Monday, August 13, 2012


Yup. That's right. I'm 32! Such a random age to be, but somehow this seems to be the year I finally figure it all out. So here I am hoping to keep myself accountable and hopefully inspire someone else during their journey. Really this post is just to breathe some life into this blog so that I can actually get it started.