Thursday, September 13, 2012

Back Up Off My Zen

Peace in my world is fleeting, but I've been digging very deep to try to convince it to stick around from time to time, maybe sleep over and let me make it breakfast. I struggle to just be even (if that makes any sense). This is where I introduce the antagonist in the very short and not explained very well story. This person is just generally difficult and I have to deal with her. I've been venting about this person a lot lately to friends and coworkers and I've found that I don't like venting nearly as much as I used to. It simply isn't effective and it's a total waste of time. And just because I have negative energy piling up in my head doesn't mean I need to unload it into the universe and plant those seeds of destruction into someone else's thought garden.

So, I want to learn to remain composed in the face of this person's blatant unreasonableness. To take a few minutes to stop and really think about what the ultimate goal is and plan out how to get there peacefully while navigating through her choppy waters. I want to be able to accept this person for exactly who they show me they are and set my expectations accordingly. I'll start untangling myself from the drama of just thinking about it by ending this post and going to bed. Gn.

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