Sunday, October 28, 2012

Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 Review & Results!

I did the program September 10, 2012 - October 7, 2012 and here are my results!

Total Loss:
Weight: 9lbs
Chest: 1"
Waist: .5"
Hips: 1"
Thighs: 1"

Loved this DVD! The circuits at first seem kind of dumb and very awkward because the combination of moves don't seem to really flow together, but sure enough after just a few days on each level it will all make sense and your body will be begging for mercy and crying tears of joy simultaneously. Jillian incorporates several yoga poses into this one and does a corny pep talk during shavasana at the end of Level 4, but even though I don't like the way she crammed the "yoga" into this DVD it still got me to my goal so I will forgive her for it...this time! All in all, I highly recommend this DVD and will definitely be doing it again at some point I'm sure. It was super fun and crazy challenging and my ass is looking great! 

Workout Diary:

9/10/12 RI30 DAY 1: I started Jillian's Ripped in 30 today and loved it! I like how there are 4 workouts vs. 3 in 30DS and her workout are just so quick and fun yet still heart pumping and sweat inducing. Get some.

9/11/12 RI30 DAY 2Ran 1 mile as a warm up to RI30. Super determined to get off of this stupid plateau! Seems like I've been stuck at 189 forever. Oopsies I forgot to take my starting measurements and snap a pic. Too tired to do it tonight but definitely will post them tomorrow.

9/12/12 RI30 DAY 3: Rest! 

9/13/12 RI30 DAY 4: Warmed up with a tortoise paced 13.5 minute mile and ripped through RI30. Psych! I totally wanted to quit during the last set and I fluffed my way through the butt kicks. No dark chocolate and peanut butter for me tonight. Psych again! I'm totally eating chocolate and peanut butter! 

9/14/12 RI30 DAY 5: I absolutely did NOT want to work out today, but that certainly never stops me from doing it. I upped my weights on the 2nd set which felt much better. I still completely hate butt kicks and have a hard time with my form on the side step arm raise one in the last set. I didn't do well with it in 30DS either. Blah. But I feel great! Thanks JM!

9/15/12 RI30 DAY 6: Week 1 Done! I felt great and I kind of did rip through today's workout even though I didn't get to it until 10PM. o_O

9/16/12 RI30 DAY 7:  Dear Week 2, Why the f!@# are you so f!^#ing hard? I mean yeah I want to be Ripped in 30 but it won't make any difference if I'm dead. I also started my period today so that's pretty awesome. Please & thank you.

9/17/12 RI30 DAY 8: Rest!

9/18/12 RI30 DAY 9Busted out a 2 mile run as my Jillian  warm up and felt great throughout the workout! The moves (although oddly paired and irregular at times) were a bit more comfy today and I didn't feel quite like a fish out of water as I did the first time I attempted this level. I'm looking forward to doing it again!

9/19/12 RI30 DAY 10I did it and couldn't hardly wait for it to be over. Totally faked my way through the high knees. I think it was way harder to get through without the adrenaline pumping from jogging first. One would think not jogging first would make the workout easier, but alas, God has a peculiar sense of humor (if that's even his real name).

9/20/12 RI30 DAY 11: Rest!

9/21/12 RI30 DAY 12Did it. Sorry Jillian this one definitely wouldn't have impressed you, but it's done and that's all that matters. One more day of Week 2 then I can move on thank goodness!

9/22/12 RI30 DAY 13: It was like the stars and the moons all aligned to create the perfect workout for me today. It took the baby about 30 seconds to go down for bed and the had the entire evening to myself. I really pushed myself through this one and I feel very ready for Week 3!

9/23/12 RI30 DAY 14: Rest! I did, however, go out for a leisurely stroll with the baby in the jogger. I did an easy 1.5 miles. Honestly, I wanted to get in a good, hard 3 mile run but *someone* didn't bring his ass home so I could go out alone. I'm pretty ticked about it, but I'll try again on my next rest day.

9/24/12 RI30 DAY 15: I love Week 3! It's so different from anything in 30DS or in the previous 2 weeks. Awesome thigh and shoulder burn! 

9/25/12 RI30 DAY 16: I did a 2 mile jog then RI30 and felt good! I struggled through my first mile with lots of mental blocks then magically the noise just all cleared up and I had a very enjoyable run after that. Still loving Week 3! Even the warm up is fun.

9/26/12 RI30 DAY 17: Rest!

9/27/12 RI30 DAY 18: Good workout today. So glad I still have a few more days to do level 3! Yup that's how much I like it. I'm not, however, dropping any weight so maybe I shouldn't stay on it too much longer. That could also be all these tortillas I've been eating. Oopsies.

9/28/12 RI30 DAY 19: Rest! I didn't do Jillian because there were already guests at my house when I got home today so I went out in the rain for a quick 1.68 mi jog. I wanted to hit 2 but the route I chose just wasn't quite long enough! Whatev. Can't win 'em all.

9/29/12 RI30 DAY 20: Got it done! Nothing to write home about except that I'm feeling pretty bad ass.

9/30/12 RI30 DAY 21: I got it in pretty late after a very long day. Bye bye level 3. You will be missed!

10/1/12 RI30 DAY 22: I'm in love with Level 4! It's by far the hardest out of both RI30 and 30DS combined, but it's so much fun! Yay I'm in the last week already! My how time flies. I will add that I'm not a fan of Jillian as a yoga instructor/meditation guide. I think it's neat she's throwing in some yoga moves and has  made the program as holistic as you can possible make a 20 minute workout DVD, and I also appreciate that she didn't overdo it, but it still makes me roll my eyes a little.

10/2/12 RI30 DAY 23: I ran a mile under 13 minutes for the first time ever! Woo! Then Jillian kicked my ass. 

10/3/12 RI30 DAY 24: Rest!

10/4/12 RI30 DAY 25: I ran 1.7 miles in 20 minutes, then literally ripped through the workout! I felt like I could've done it all over again I was so pumped afterwards!

10/5/12 RI30 DAY 26: Rest! (The parents are in town.)

10/6/12 RI30 DAY 27: I ran 1.4 miles first thing this morning then did Jillian this evening after the baby was in bed. I drug through it but I gave it my all for a serious burn! We also made hamburgers for my family today and OMG is was so good as were the potato chips I had with it. I earned it!

10/7/12 RI30 DAY 28: Surprise surprise the program is only 28 days long unless you throw in a couple extra days for good measure which I am NOT going to do! I gave this last workout my all and my legs are definitely paying for it right now! Ouch!

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